#148 - TYREIK & NATE - Instagram/YouTube Sensations!

Screenwriters' Rant Room - Un pódcast de Hilliard Guess - Lunes


Hilliard and Lisa have a blast with Instagram/ YouTube sensations, TYREIK & NATE! This one's full of game y'all. We go IN on how they met, prison life, going Viral, maintaining an audience, developing a series around their show and they even give us a taste of their dope Rap Bars from Tyreik & Nate's new song "Lil' Bitty Bih" that blows the house down!   DIRECT LINK: bit.ly/SWRR-148   Subscribe, Comment, Rate & 5 STAR Review on iTunes:  http://bit.ly/HG-SRR-EP1   Twitter:@ScreenwritersRR @HilliardGuess @LisaBolekaja @TyreikandNate  #ScreenwritersRantRoom #Comedy #Screenwriting #Producing #TyreikandNate

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