104 – My FAVORITE winter song

Slow Russian - Un pódcast de Daria Molchanova


Today we have a song! Yaaaay:) I love learning with authentic materials!  Here is the cartoon I'm talking about in this episode – https://youtu.be/XuG3wbxPdT4?si=xHZ_H3VBut-A_QC9  ESSENCE OF RUSSIAN CHRISTMAS is open to join – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/the-essence-of-russian-christmas  Slow Russian Podcast Transcript and audio download for $20 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/slowrussian  Join my free email course with A LOT of useful materials for self-learning – http://realrussianclub.com/subscribe  My premium step-by-step course for Russian language learners – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/ Get all three levels together and save $102 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/bundles/all-of-from-zero-to-fluency  UNDERSTANDING RUSSIA (new cultural course, no knowledge of Russian language required)–  https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/understanding-russia  Here is the transcript: Печкин: Ничего себе! Вашу маму и там, и тут передают. До чего техника дошла!  Мама: Я же говорила, что не могу жить без вашего Простоквашино. Кабы не было зимы В гоpодах и сёлах, Hикогда б не знали мы Этих дней весёлых. Hе кружила б малышня Возле снежной бабы, Hе петляла бы лыжня, Кабы, кабы, кабы… Hе петляла бы лыжня, Кабы, кабы, кабы… Кабы не было зимы, А всё время лето, Мы б не знали кутерьмы Hовогодней этой, Hе спешил бы Дед Мороз К нам через ухабы, Лёд на речке б не замёрз Кабы, кабы, кабы… Лёд на речке б не замёрз Кабы, кабы, кабы… Translation: Pechkin: Wow! They broadcast your mother both here and there. What technology has come to! Mom: I told you that I can’t live without your Prostokvashino. If there had been no winter,  in the cities and villages, we would never have known these happy days. The little ones wouldn’t be circling  around the snow woman, The ski track wouldn’t be winding, If only, if only, if only...  If only it weren’t winter, And all the time it’s summer, We wouldn’t know this New Year’s chaos, Santa Claus wouldn’t rush to us through the potholes, The ice on the river wouldn’t freeze If only, if only, if only... *** ESSENCE OF RUSSIAN CHRISTMAS is open to join – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/the-essence-of-russian-christmas  Join my free email course with A LOT of useful materials for self-learning – http://realrussianclub.com/subscribe  My new step-by-step course for Russian language learners – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/ Get all three levels together and save $102 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/bundles/all-of-from-zero-to-fluency  UNDERSTANDING RUSSIA (join now and save 50%, we start on January 1)–  https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/understanding-russia 

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