Let Go of Fear

soulcandy's podcast - Un pódcast de Anne Alexander


Learn how to rewire your brain with spiritual teacher and wealth expert Barbara Huson, so you can stop feeling scared and fearful and start doing the things you really want to do, including acquiring financial wealth and becoming the fullest version of yourself. Listen as Barbara explains how to use the power of your mind and your words in this life-changing conversation and how to view success as both personal development and your spiritual birthright. Learn how to go towards - yes, towards - the things that make you most scared, because THAT is where your treasure, growth and highest good are to be found. This is a powerful episode for anyone who struggles with fear, procrastination, anxiety, behaviors that hold you back from doing and achieving the things you want in life and who wants both practical and spiritual insights for living your best life.  MORE DETAILS - Barbara Huson has learned how to deal with fear. Her approach? Just do the opposite of what everyone else does. While we hide, procrastinate, cringe and think a slew of negative thoughts about what we’re afraid of…… Barbara has learned to go toward - yes, toward - what makes her the most terrified. That life-lesson did not come easily. Barbara started out rich and lost it all, thanks to a gambling husband. In her fifties (yes!!!), Barbara got smart about money and fear. She interviewed hundreds of well-earning women to find out what they did differently than chronic “under-earners” like herself. A big part of what they did differently was how they responded to fear. Learning from those women, plus diving into the spiritual principles of love, fear, mind-training and neuroplasticity, Barbara is now sharing the secrets of acquiring wealth and becoming the fullest expression of the person you are meant to be. Join Barbara Huson and Anne Alexander as they talk honestly about fear and how you can use your and beliefs to rewire your brain for success, wealth and becoming the person you most truly, deeply want to be. At the end of this episode, join a guided practice — Becoming Fearless: the 10 Commitments — based on Barbara’s Oaths of Commitment from her latest book, Rewire for Wealth. PRACTICE: BECOMING FEARLESS This practice is based on Barbara’s Huson’s Oath of Commitment in her latest book, Rewire for Wealth, and includes 10 Commitments to replace fear thoughts with powerful commitments to rewire your brain. Take a moment, center yourself, sit up straight, breath deeply inhale and exhale and repeat the phrases out loud or in you min. Let them sink in and powerfully rewire your brain for wealth. 1.     I am committed to owning my power, becoming all that I can be 2.     I am committed to increasing my net worth. No matter loud that little voice in my head disagrees, I recognize my value. 3.     I am committed, right now, in this moment, even if I have no idea how I am going to do it. The Universe will guide me to my goal 4.     I am committed to stop telling my old story, with all of the shoulds, oughts and musts. Instead, I talk about my dreams. I talk about my aspirations. 5.     I am committed to seeing my excuses for what they are, smokescreens that hide the truth. I see the truth as it is. 6.     I am committed to facing my fears by taking baby steps because when I commit, fear may rear its ugly head and I will keep going, baby step after baby step after baby step. 7.     I am committed to challenging myself to think about new things in new ways, retraining my mind to alter my brain and create new habits. 8.     I am committed to keeping my promises knowing that as I keep my word, I build my self-esteem and I build my self confidence in my own effectiveness. 9.     I am committed to getting back up every time I fall down. This is not about being perfect, this is about me being persistent 10.  I am committed to asking for and receiving support. When I am in fear, I will ask close friends to support and encourage me. Success is a social activity and I will do everything in my power to be all that I can be. Inhale, exhale. Know that you are anchoring these commitments into your brain and that when you commit, all the way to your toes, the Universe steps in to support you. Do this practice daily to reinforce your commitments, build new grooves in your brain and create new habits Quotes from Barbara Money If you don't deal with your money, your money will deal with you. There's a game called to win and there's a game called not to lose. Under-earners tend to be safe and don’t want to lose.To win is a game that higher-earners play, you go as far as you can with all that you have and when you fall down, you get back up and keep going. Doing what you love is not enough, you have to value yourself and what you have to offer. Put those two together and you've got a winning combination. Purpose, women & success People have a hard time doing their purpose, but it's really not that hard. A purpose is whatever makes you happy. Success is a social activity. You cannot do it alone and you should not do it alone Women are so relationship oriented that we need support, it's important to reach out professionally and personally. Embrace fear The key to going to the next level is to be willing to be uncomfortable and scared- to go from what feels comfortable to what seems impossible. Fear is a sign that that's where you need to go. Joseph Campbell said, “The cave you fear to enter is where your treasure lies.” What helped you survive as a child will suffocate you as an adult. You cannot feel fear and love at the same time. When you get stuck in fear and can't get out, turn to gratitude Recognize, reframe & respond differently Every time you have a negative thought, recognize it and observe it with curiosity. Doing so distances you from the thought, because the thought is not true We keep telling our old story over, and over, and over again. You've got to stop that because our words are so freaking powerful. Every time you say something, you create this neural pathway, and every time you think about it you just keep digging that neuropathway deeper. Our thoughts flow through our mind and shape our brain. Our brain is the servant, the mind is the master. Negative thoughts won’t leave unless you replace them. That's why reframing is so important. Words have power You cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought. You must be vigilant, very careful about the words you use and the thoughts you think. Invite God God put us here for a reason. Your job is to get out of the way, so that you can do God's work. Fear is a sign that you have disconnected from God and are in your ego. Final thoughts & prayers Do what you fear. That’s how you grow. Above all, how can I see this differently? I’m never upset for the reason I think. I see only my past…..how is this person (who I am upset with) representing my past? EPISODE breakdown 3:00 Downfalls of being intimidated and terrified of financial responsibility. 4:30 When you really make a commitment, the universe will help you.  6:30 Transforming from being in debt, to making six digit income.  7:25 Successful people, every single one, without exception, struggle with fear, struggle with self-doubt, 95% feel like a fraud and are terrified others are going to find out.  8:00 To make changes happen, you must be willing to be uncomfortable, to be scared, to go from what feels comfortable to what seems impossible.  9:30 Fear is a sign that that's where you need to go. 11:00 Serendipitous experiences could be the universe giving nudges, you should listen. Stop hedging your bets. You are capable of extraordinary things.  12:00 Our brain has developed over time with one purpose in mind, not to think, but to keep us safe. Learn about flight, fight or freeze and how to re-wire your brain.  15:00- 26:00 EXPLANATION: How to recognize, reframe and respond differently. How to rewire your brain when you think negative thoughts. How to reframe the situation to see things differently, and how to respond differently. We keep telling our old story over and over but we need to stop that because our words are so powerful. 27:00 Success is a social activity. It's important to reach out professionally and personally. 28:30 Miracles unfold when you align to your higher purpose, what does God have to do with it? 32:00 Bringing God into bringing the divine, bringing source, whatever you want to call it right into the conversation about money makes it about so much more. 34:00 Recognize that you can be divinely inspired, if you get your “conditioned mind” out of the way so you can do God's work.  35:00 Your ego helped you as a child but what helped you survive as a child will suffocate you as an adult. 36:00 People have a hard time doing their purpose, but it's really not that hard. A purpose is whatever makes you happy. 40:00 Doing what you love is not enough. You have to value yourself and what you have to offer. When you put those two together and you've got a winning combination. 41:00 With re-wiring, you discover who you really are before you were conditioned, you find your authentic self. 43:00 Let go of the old, replace it with something healthier. 44:00 Negative thoughts won’t leave until you replace them with something healthier and more positive.  45:00 Do what you fear, because that’s how you grow, succeed and develop as a person.  47:00 How can I see this differently? I'm never upset for the reason I think and the reason we're upset, it's not the incident. It's our interpretation of the incident. 49:00 PRACTICE: Becoming Fearless, the 10 commitments for wealth practice. 

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