Denise Hart – Listen. Obey. Prosper.

Speaking of Partnership: Personal Stories of the Power and Payoffs of Partnership - Un pódcast de Ken Bechtel

Denise Joy Hart is an entrepreneur, speaker, author and actress who brings you a message of the power of a Don’t Quit attitude! Denise delivers her message centered on truth, love and unlimited possibility in her signature style filled with humor and kick-in-the-pants honesty! From graduating from college at the age of 32, to becoming a tenured college professor and owner of a brand and soul message that strives to help millions of people around the world live a better life than they could have imagined, Denise’s life is a testament to her optimistic Don’t Quit attitude! She has studied the principles of the Law of Attraction and the teachings of thought leaders such as Lisa Nichols, Marianne Williams, Deepak Chopra, Louise Hay and many others. One of the greatest impacts on her life was having breast cancer.  From this experience she learned two simple but valuable lessons:  (1) that it’s survivable – she survived; and (2) that it’s not – her mother passed away one year into Denise’s recovery from breast cancer. This revelation, taught her the one thing that really matters:  Life is a gift and we get to choose what we do with it.  Over the years she’s learned that between the living of life and the ending of life the greatest power you have is right now. Guiding Principle, Quote or Mantra Constantly give yourself permission to be unapologetically DOPE.  DOPE means being Determined and Obsessed with being Profitable and Exceptional. When You Tripped Up Denise had a long term partnership with someone well known in the industry.  And fairly recently it dawned on her that she was no longer in alignment with her own values. When she listened to the voice that had been speaking to her for several months, she realized she needed to transition this partnership.  This was a challenging choice to make.  To many it appeared she had the dream job. Where Denise tripped up is by denying the true weight of the guidance she was receiving, and this made the decision much more difficult than it needed to be. Ultimately, even though she didn’t want to disappoint anyone, Denise spoke her truth and was able to retain the friendship that had developed within this partnership. The “DUH” moment that changed your partnerships forever For 10 years Denise ran a non-profit with a partner that served youth through the performing arts. There was an imbalance in the partnership that was basically putting this other person before herself. Because they were good friends, Denise was reluctant to speak up.  She knew she could keep plowing through, and did for two more years before addressing things. Ultimately they split and Denise was scared to pieces to do this by herself, but she did and started all over. Proudest moment in partnership Her relationship with her Dad is definitely a proud one for her.  They did not have much of any relationship until after her mother passed away. Now no one would guess that they have ever been anything other than two peas in a pod. What is the best partnership / relationship advice you have ever received? In business, remember that money is the lifeblood of doing business, but a business partnership has to have a higher purpose to survive and thrive. Best Partnership Book Visionary Business: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Success <a href="

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