Follow Your “Yes” Friday- BONUS STORIES from this week’s guests

Speaking of Partnership: Personal Stories of the Power and Payoffs of Partnership - Un pódcast de Ken Bechtel

Follow Your “Yes” Friday is about you. It is about you taking a step forward in your partnerships by taking action and applying at least one thing you heard from our guests during their interviews this week. On today’s episode, all of this week’s guests have generously provided BONUS MATERIAL, not included in the interviews you listened to earlier this week. Each one has provided incredible examples of the power of following your “Yes”.  Enjoy! Sandy Weiner Not Following – Things were moving very quickly when she was dating her ex-husband.  For example he was moving quickly, i.e. wanting to get engaged in 4 weeks and she held out for 6 weeks.  Other deal breakers that she felt in her gut, but disregarded and ultimately they came back to bite her throughout her marriage. Following – She was asked to speak at a TEDx event and was petrified.  But knew she wanted to speak and got the help she needed to make it a success.   Saying Yes to something this scary and way out of her comfort zone thing, gave her the confidence to keep pushing the boundaries of her comfort zone, and make her life so much more exciting and inspiring. Listen to Sandy’s full interview here Sandy’s Website – Sandy’s Facebook Group – A great place for real advice on dating Last First Date Radio Show Last First Date Blab Drs. Joy & Roy Martina Not Following – Roy – Not listening to his “Yes” when bringing in an investor.  He deferred to the investor’s ideas and ultimately it caused him to have to work much harder than he ever had before. Joy –  She received an amazing offer at an advertising agency after graduating from university and even though everything told her “Yes” to do it, she was too scared and missed the opportunity. Following – Joy – She had a great business and life going and everything in her said it was time to leave it all and start her life with Roy.  It was one of the scariest periods in her life but it has turned out to be the most beautiful and rewarding experience ever. Often times our rational mind will not agree with what our heart says, but it is worth it. Roy – His story is similar.  He transitioned out of his old business that employed 30 people to start anew with Joy and even though it went against all his experience of building businesses, in hindsight, it was for the best. Listen to Joy & Roy’s full interview here Joy and Roy’s Website Joy and Roy’s Facebook Wendy Newman Not Following – When I was dating and my gut was telling me NO.  You are working too hard to flip this guy and be entertaining and charming and attractive.  If I’m having to work really, really, really hard at something.  It’s a good idea to check in with my gut. Following – With her partner Dave.  It was so easy.  Easy to be with him.  Easy to be herself.  She was able to be vulnerable in ways that she could shine in her vulnerability.  “That’s a big yes!” <a href="https://speakingofpartnership.

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