Follow Your “Yes” Friday – Following your “Yes” is often finding your No

Speaking of Partnership: Personal Stories of the Power and Payoffs of Partnership - Un pódcast de Ken Bechtel

Do you follow your “Yes?” Following your “Yes” is about you taking a step forward in your partnerships by taking action and applying at least one thing you heard from our guests during their interviews this week. On today’s episode, all of this week’s guests have generously provided BONUS MATERIAL, not included in the interviews you listened to earlier this week. Each one has provided incredible examples of the power of following your “Yes”.  Enjoy! Scot and Emily McKay Not Following – Scot – At a young age Scot started asking what happens when you have done your best work at something? Two separate times he stuck around for a couple of extra years even thought his heart was telling him he was done. First was when he was working with at-risk teens.  And as he got to his late 20’s he was not relating as well to teens anymore, but he stuck it out a couple of years longer than he should have.  And it was because he didn’t have anything else in mind to go to. Finally he was forced to go somewhere else. The second time he was a top performer in the IT world.  He got laid off went looking for another job in that field. Then he realized all he was doing was helping big businesses make a bunch of money.  And he kept doing it a couple of years longer than would have been best, because what he really wanted was to get back to his roots of helping people. Emily – She has found herself feeling guilty for doing what is right by her.  It could be as simple as going to a restaurant and not having a good feeling about it, but she sat down and ordered anyway.  This also applies to toxic people. Following their “Yes” is especially important for both Scot and Emily since they are optimistic and generous people and tend to want to give people the benefit of the doubt.  So for them following their “Yes” is often finding their No. Following – Scot – He started his career as a dating coach at the same time that the movie “Hitch” came out.  And nobody thought it was a good idea for him to head that direction with his career. Scot knew he needed a career change and did not want to work for someone else anymore.  He wanted to get back to helping people and then Emily came along and really believed in him. Scot was so passionate about this work, that he trusted that passion and now 11 years later they are doing great on a global scale. Even though it looked crazy at the time, because of the passion it worked. Emily – She gave birth to their child at home even thought her OB/GYN fired her for it.  It turned out to be a great idea.  It was her “Yes.” Listen to Scot & Emily’s full interview here Connect with Scot & Emily – Scot & Emily’s website Travel + Adventure = Freedom site Scot & Emily’s Facebook Link Scot’s Twitter Link Phillipe Drolet Not Following – Phillipe was feeling overwhelmed and knew he needed to talk with his girlfriend about it. He knew he was too tired to have the conversation in the moment.  However, when he mentioned to her before going to bed that he wanted to talk about it tomorrow, but now was not the right time since they were both tired. Then they started talking about it and before he knew it, they were going way deeper into the subject than felt right.  And not honoring his “Yes” led to a bad decision by them, but he didn’t listen to his guidance. Following – Not following his “Yes” led Phillipe and his girlfriend to the wrong conclusion.

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