S1E11: Pandora's rabbit hole
Swift over Coffee - Un pódcast de Paul Hudson and Mikaela Caron

In this episode: we examine the need for manager objects, look at Swift Package Manager’s rise in popularity, discuss the usefulness of ARKit, and - brace yourself - talk extensively about strings. - The trouble with manager objects: https://sandofsky.com/blog/manager-classes.html - It’s time to use Swift Package Manager: http://artsy.github.io/blog/2019/01/05/its-time-to-use-spm - Advent of Code in Swift: https://medium.com/@ianpartridge/advent-of-code-in-swift-8f631eea63ec - Paul’s pick - Replace Booleans with Two-cased Enumerations: http://narf.pl/posts/2cased - Sean's pick - Dive deep into Swift String: https://flawlessapp.io/blog/dive-deep-into-swift-string - Open Ballot: ARKit - what is it really good for? (Making Sean sing, apparently.)