My ADHD insights on prioritising time out, rest and our hormones for better mental wellbeing

The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast - Un pódcast de Kate Moryoussef


Welcome back to a new series of The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast. In this intro solo episode before the official start of the series on Thursday, I wanted to share my insights from taking some time out.With ADHD, we can find it difficult to stop, slow down, pause, rest and breathe.Very often, we only stop when an external factor stops us. Maybe that’s an injury, illness, ill family member, work crisis or even a pandemic!Our ADHD nervous system has been fine-tuned to keep running on high alert, despite feeling fraught and exhausted most of the time.But with awareness of ADHD comes power. Power to prevent. Power to see what we haven’t been able to understand before. Burnout cycles we thought were because we couldn’t keep up. Always more to do, be, produce, create and show. Never enough. Never on top of things. I must keep doing more. And then what? We break down, we collapse and we burn out and we’re no good to anyone. And then the cycle of shame happens.I took a break and for the first time, I didn’t feel guilty. I knew I deserved this break. I was worthy of relaxing and restoring. I knew that this was in the best interest of everyone around me, including my clients, family and friends. It was needed and it was wonderful. I felt rejuvenated and re-energised—no guilt or fear of judgement.In this solo episode (guest episode returning on Thursday) I talk about how to find a break if you can’t escape for a few days. I call them micro pauses that we can all do and become more intentional about every day. I am actively retraining myself to find more time to breathe, pause and recalibrate every day so I can show up for my family and my work - both of which are hugely important to me. Not only this, but also for my mental health, mood regulation, anxiety, nervous system and physical health (my back). I’m finally ready to prioritise this and invite you to do the same.I also talk about ADHD, women's health and hormones and will be talking about this more in the next few months. Watch this space for a new project that I'm working on.Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner helping overwhelmed yet unfulfilled ADHD women find more calm, balance, energy, health, compassion, creativity and clarity in their lives. Join Kate's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Collective here.Have a look at some of Kate's free resources here.Follow the podcast on Instagram hereFollow Kate on Instagram hereHave a read of Kate’s articles in ADDitude magazine here

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