Your Customer Is Your Teammate, Not A Credit Card. People Don’t Buy The Best Product...They Buy The Best RELATIONSHIP. Are You Making These Marketing Mistakes? Should You Give Your Best Content Away F

The Angie Lee Show - Un pódcast de Angie Lee


What is up?! How are ya? In today’s episode I chat with marketing GENIUS George Bryant about relationships and patience within marketing. Are you ready for this juicy episode?! WHAT YOU’LL LEARN: 3 mistakes George sees companies make with marketing Initiating the relationships Focus on the followers you have The 5 reasons people share on social media George’s feeling on call to action (CTA) Playing the long game The importance of free content + can you give away too much of it Give some love to the sponsors of today's episode! Use code "ANGIELEE"  to save on all of my favorite health products! 

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