Stop These 8 (Wealth Draining) Distractions, Now

The Money Podcast - Un pódcast de Rob Moore


Life is too precious to be wasting it on unnecessary and wasteful stuff! Start living a meaningful life and stop being distracted. On today’s episode, Rob enumerates the 8 wealth-draining distractions you should stop now. It’s high time you utilize time and energy, invest them somewhere else that makes money or something you love, and live your life to the fullest. Listen to Rob why you should avoid these distractions start consuming your time and energy on productive things. Sky’s the limit for what you can do! KEY TAKEAWAYS Unnecessary Debates. Stop arguing about stuff that you really don’t care about. These debates could turn into heated arguments and ego-match. Get out of it so you don’t waste your time and energy. Purposeless social media. Use it properly. Use it for your business, brand, and community. Criticizing others. What do you achieve in your life? How does it help? Look at your flaws first before looking the other way. Try to understand them where they’re standing. Being busy but unproductive and inefficient. Preserve your energy and don’t throw it away on being busy. There are so many things you can do. You can have 10 hours in a day consumed but only 30 minutes of income-producing, high-quality result area of work. Blaming, complaining, defending, and justifying. It feels good blurting out the stress and all but if you get into that pattern, try to interrupt it. We can get into a victim mode and make it into a pity party. Use time and energy for something more productive. It is not productive and proactive. Excuses suck you back into the drain of energy rather than propelling forward to the solution. Hate, jealousy, and envy. Yes, it is natural to feel human emotion. We feel it because there’s a void in ourselves we have to fill. Live to your full potential and believe that you could do better. Start with loving yourself! Stop comparing yourself to others. Self-doubt. Understand that each of us is unique and special. Stop comparing yourself to others. You’re going to excel and reach your peak if you stop doubting and start believing in yourself! BEST MOMENTS “The truth is… we have a finite, limited amount of energy. And that energy is easily wasted and burned on things. In fact, the negative and the frustrating stuff can burn a lot more energy. So, whenever you preserve by saying, ‘I’m not doing this!’, you’ve got a great reinvestment for that.” “Excuses suck you back into the drain of energy rather than propelling forward to the solution.” “With things like addiction and genuine problems, the first step is accepting and being aware that you have a problem. And the second step is knowing that you can change it.” “A hate for others is the lack of love for oneself.” “The way you don’t have hate, jealousy, and envy for others is by loving who you are and knowing that you’re worthy of love.” “No one is as good as you at being you.” VALUABLE RESOURCES “You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.” ― Winston S. Churchill ABOUT THE HOST Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor and property educator. Author of global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur” “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything” CONTACT METHOD Facebook LinkedIn

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