10. 说说十全十美(perfection)also thank you my dear listeners for listening! 感谢/谢谢

The New Chinese Podcast - 中高级汉语 - Un pódcast de Barry Li


生词表 Vocabulary   阳光明媚 beautifully sunny  里程碑 milestone  日积月累 cumulate day by day, month by month  积少成多 accumulate little to make more  粤语/广东话 Cantonese  激励 encouragement  过犹不及 too much is the same as not enough   绕口令:四十四,十是十,十四是十四,四十是四十。   欢迎收听The New Chinese Podcast, 我是Barry Li。这是一个适合汉语普通话中级到高级学习者练习听力的节目。This podcast aims to help intermediate to high-level Chinese (Mandarin) learners develop their listing skills. I will only speak Chinese (Mandarin) in these episodes, with occasional English explanations for difficult words/expressions.  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thenewchinese