13. 说一说十二生肖(12 Chinese Zodiac Animal)的高级知识: 干支纪年(Sexagenary cycle)

The New Chinese Podcast - 中高级汉语 - Un pódcast de Barry Li


生词表 Vocabulary 骤雨: sudden rain 不吉利: unlucky 十二生肖: 12 Chinese Zodiac animals 干支纪年: Sexagenary cycle, an ancient Chinese year recording system 年号: Regnal year 背景知识: background knowledge 时辰: time/hour (ancient measurement in China, each 时辰 equals 2 hours) 天干: 甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸 (no need to remember all these) 地支:子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥 (no need to remember all these) 欢迎收听The New Chinese Podcast, 我是Barry Li。这是一个适合汉语普通话中级到高级学习者练习听力的节目。This podcast aims to help intermediate to high-level Chinese (Mandarin) learners develop their listing skills. I will only speak Chinese (Mandarin) in these episodes, with occasional English explanations for difficult words/expressions. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thenewchinese