Dave Anthony (The Dollop, Past Times)
The Smoking Tire - Un pódcast de Zack Klapman, Matt Farah

Dave Anthony is the creator of The Dollop, the greatest, funniest history podcast ever. On this episode we learn about: Matt and Dave's Twitter fight Why Dave left TV writing How the Dollop came to be Is baseball better without robot umpires? Smuggling Chinese cars into the USA The future of Elon and Tesla Being a surprise Australian celebrity And more https://www.dolloppodcast.com/podcast Recorded February 21, 2025 Today get 20% off your DeleteMe plan when you go to https://www.joindeleteme.com/TIRE and use promo code TIRE at checkout. New merch! Grab a shirt or hoodie and support us! https://thesmokingtireshop.com/ Use Off The Record! and ALWAYS fight your tickets! Enter code TSTPOD for a 10% discount on your first case on the Off The Record app, or go to https://www.offtherecord.com/TST Want your question answered? Want to watch the live stream, get ad-free podcasts, or exclusive podcasts? Join our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thesmokingtirepodcast Tweet at us! https://www.Twitter.com/thesmokingtire https://www.Twitter.com/zackklapman Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/thesmokingtire https://www.Instagram.com/therealzackklapman