EP142 WTF IS ASTROLOGY? Divination, Prophecy, Prediction & Prognostication with Richard Swatton

The Stellium Astrology Podcast - Un pódcast de Stefanie James

When in the mindset of reading the horoscope, we access in a different state of mind. This state allows us to be in touch with a peripheral field of information.  So what exactly is it we're doing when working with astrology and how does it produce such accurate results?  To quote today’s guest, Richard Swatton: “you can’t predict technique – you can have techniques of prediction but the prediction arrives in the moment” During this episode Richard and I discuss the other-worldly aspects of astrology, delving into the eighth house depths of a subject already coaxing us deeper into the realms of the subconscious. Richard has lead many different paths in this lifetime: Musician, Occultist, Psychotherapist, Astrologer and Tutor at the London School of Astrology. He is also the Author of Symbol to Substance and his new book The Horary Process: A Magical Approach to an Ancient Art, is due to be published at the end of 2023.  You'll understand why I feel so blessed to have learned at the LSA when you hear how fascinating, intelligent and inspiring Richard is. Without wanting to sound like Hannibal Lecter, what I wouldn’t give for a slice of that brain... LOL.   How do you feel viewing astrology as a divinatory art?   TIMESTAMPS 00:01:26 About Richard | 00:05:52 Symbol to substance book | 00:07:31 The real Psychological astrology | 00:09:03 interconnectedness: music of the spheres | 00:15:05 the basis of prognostication | 00:16:46 coming of age with Saturn | 00:22:19 the unfathomable mystery of it | 00:24:47 Astrology & Mythology plus Persephone | 00:28:10 Pluto and my motherhood/maitrescence journey | 00:34:48 Transits triggering individualtion | 00:36:59 Prediction of particulars & divination | 00:40:10 The Ogres of ancient Rome | 00:40:53 a symbolic state of mind | 00:47:33 Going deep with Sun signs alone | 00:50:26 The Appearance of symbol in substance | 00:53:04 Ptolemy's Centiloquium | 00:55:05 “a shock of white hair” | 00:58:26 What is inspiration? The 9 Muses/Urania | 01:04:09 Richards new book: the Horary Process | 01:07:28 Astrology as a training and symbol system | 01:11:53 Aligning ourselves with a greater will | 01:13:58 Horary is inclusive | 01:17:18 Astrology appears IRL | 01:21:03 Richards Books/readings with Richard   CHART Neptune appears: 6/7/21, Newhaven, UK, 09:00 GMT   LINKS Watch this episode: https://youtu.be/dNqDsIMrrxM The Astrology Squad https://astrologysquad.com/ From Symbol to Substance: Training the Astrological Intuition by Richard Swatton https://www.amazon.co.uk/Symbol-Substance-Training-Astrological-Intuition/dp/1516984447 The Horary Process: A Magical Approach to an Ancient Art contact: [email protected] Saturn by Liz Greene https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/603038.Saturn Books by Dane Rudhyar https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/417055.Dane_Rudhyar Books by Howard Sasportas https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/309821.Howard_Sasportas Books by Stephen Arroyo https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=stephen+arroyo&qid=JCD35IIqxU Ptolemy's Centiloquium https://www.skyscript.co.uk/centiloquium1.html Tetrobiblos by Claudius Ptolemy https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Tetrabiblos Ptolemy https://www.astro.com/astrowiki/en/Ptolemy Christian Astrology by William Lilley https://archive.org/details/ChristianAstrologyByWilliamLilly/mode/2up Christian Astrology retyped by Deb Houlding at Skyscript https://www.skyscript.co.uk/CA/CA_DH.pdf   To book a reading with Richard contact me and I will pass your details to Richard: [email protected]   📍Everything you need to know is here: https://www.stelliumastrology.com/links/

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