Ep. 113: Dr. Scott Kellogg — A Powerful Technique for Healing, Love, and Growth
Think Act Be Podcast - Un pódcast de Seth J. Gillihan

My guest this week is Dr. Scott Kellogg, a therapist in private practice in New York. He’s the author of a book called Transformational Chairwork, and we focused on what chairwork is and why it can be so powerful. It was a great discussion about how we’re all made of different parts, and we can give voice to all of these facets of ourselves in a way that promotes integration and growth. One thing I hadn’t expected in this discussion was the demonstration I did with Scott, where he led me through an experiential exercise in therapeutic chairwork. It was a timely topic—we focused on some of the feelings I was having about the 2020 presidential election. I’m guessing a lot of people will be able to relate to some of the thoughts and fears and emotions that came up. I’ll look forward to hearing what you think.