61: Pandemic Walls

This is Joy & Claire - Un pódcast de GGW Media - Jueves

Evie’s second birthday and birth story, hot doctors, hitting the pandemic wall, and pandemic relationship talk. Brene Brown Podcast The Gottman Institute HuffPost Hitting the Pandemic Wall www.joyandclaire.com email: [email protected] instagram: joyandclaire_ This is Joy & Claire Episode 61: Pandemic Walls Episode Date: February 11, 2021 Audio Length: 51:07 minutes  Note: Unclear word at [00:37:54.19]. Joy: Hey guys, this is Joy. Claire: And this is Claire. Joy: And this is Joy and Claire. And it’s Thursday, and we’re doing okay. We’re getting through the week. How are you? Claire: We’re getting there. We’re recording this on Monday. When you guys hear this, Evie will be two years old. Joy: Two years old, I can’t even believe it. Claire: I mean, I kind of can. I think a lot of it is because people are like, oh my gosh, my kid, how did the time fly. But this last year has gone by so slowly that I’m almost surprised that she’s only two. Joy: Yeah. You feel like you should be eighteen by now from all this time that we’ve done in 2020. Claire: We’ve spent so much time together that you could be at least five. Joy: I always on her birthday have to reminisce about the text thread the night that you were like, “I think I’m having some contractions. I’m not sure. I’m just texting you guys.” This was around seven o’clock. It was me and Jess. You were being so nonchalant about it because you were like, no big deal. Then you called your midwife, and she was like, “Yeah, you need to send Miles to your mom’s house ASAP.” And I literally woke up to a picture of a baby. I was like, what happened? And I was that sleepy, blurry vision that I looked at my phone and I was like, is that a baby? It was so crazy. She just showed up. Claire: I know. Just out of nowhere. I mean, not out of nowhere. Yeah, it was quick. I’ll just take a quick little jog down memory lane, a short, small, slow jog. I was in labor with Miles like three days. I was literally in labor with Miles for almost 40 hours, so when I started going into labor with Evie, it was like, oh I was only having contractions, but I was like we’re going to be here all night. I started having contractions at five or six o’clock, and she was born at eleven. Joy: That’s crazy. Claire: It was crazy. I didn’t love it. It was a lot, it was intense to go from 0 to 60 so quickly. Joy: Oh yeah. I remember you were like, “I screamed so much.” Claire: Yeah, the next day my throat was so sore. And I was like, why is my throat sore? Brandon was like, “It’s probably from the screaming.” I was like, oh, forgot about the screaming. Like heavy metal screaming. Yeah, it wasn’t like bloody murder screaming. It was some heavy metal screaming. I remember reading something that was talking about controlling your breath. And I was like, nu uh, no. If you have the wherewithal in an unmedicated labor,

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