Enduring Grace
Timothy Keller Sermons Podcast by Gospel in Life - Un pódcast de Tim Keller
We’ve been looking underneath ethical behavior to the marks of supernaturally changed character, a heart that’s changed at the root in its fundamental desires and motivations. Today, we come to a term that’s very important in Greek philosophy and in Greek language. It’s the word self-control. Think of how much misery there is in our lives because we can’t control our tongue, our time, our thoughts. We make impulsive decisions or use impulsive words, then we wish we could take them back. What’s the solution? In this passage, Paul says, “I’m going to tell you the secret.” We’ll first look at this subject of self-control in this passage under what I’ll call principles and then under practice. We’ll first look at principles about what the nature of self-control is. Then, secondly, practice some very, very specific ways of going about increasing it in our lives and carrying it out. This sermon was preached by Rev. Timothy Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on March 10, 2002. Series "Practical Grace; How the Gospel Transforms Character". Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:23-27; 10:11-13. Today's podcast is brought to you by Gospel in Life, the site for all sermons, books, study guides and resources from Timothy Keller and Redeemer Presbyterian Church. If you've enjoyed listening to this podcast and would like to support the ongoing efforts of this ministry, you can do so by visiting gospelinlife.com/give and making a one-time or recurring donation.