Unlocking Galatians Hebraically – Intro
Torah to the Tribes - Un pódcast de Matthew Nolan - Domingos

Galatians is a polemic addressing the Book of the Law and Book of the Covenant dichotomy. The Book of the law – ‘the law – is not of faith’, the Book of Covenant – covenants of promise are! Church history toward Galatians: Unfortunately Galatians has been abused but the Institutionalized Church as the ‘final word’ on Christian’s relationship to the law of Moses enjoined with a whole lot of Church rhetoric that we’ve all been abused with. Nothing could be further from the truth! Legal terminology of the Book of Galatians: Shaul (Paul) uses ‘emancipatio’ (emancipation) and ‘adoptio’ (adoption) language to portray the legal status of Israel as it relates to Covenant Torah. Natural Israel, like the natural son before emancipation, could own nothing and had no greater legal status in relation to the law than that of a slave. It’s only once a time set forth by the Father, that the son, like Israel finds itself declared emancipated and adopted as a genuine heir in relation to Torah, heir to his fathers possession’s and now has a different legal status in regard to Torah, as an heir to the Covenants of Promise (Ephesians 2) just like Abraham. Do we want to live as children (nepios) in our relationship to Torah, Book of the Law, or as emancipated heirs, which is Book of the Covenant. It’s all Torah but Yahusha changes your legal status, or you remain blind to your change of Status and interpret Torah as either: Done away with, or… The same as unregenerate Judaism. Both are have no better legal status than that of a household slave in their relation to Torah! Galatians is the foundation to understanding our legal status as heirs of the Covenants of Torah – Book of the Covenant, as opposed to the Book of the law. Freedom and liberty for believers is the main thrust from the book…but it’s not freedom from the law to syncretism, paganism and eventual lawlessness…but rather freedom from the BoL and a return to Messiah’s blood ratified Book of the Covenant –Torah. You can’t separate this from its original Tanakh basis, which involves obedience to Torah – the Book of the Covenant Torah that was given at the Mountain. It’s a travesty to think that יהוה gave Israel the Book of the Covenant Torah to place them in bondage… and that liberty means, ‘being liberated from obedience to the covenant’. Messiah liberates Israel from what was ‘imposed’ upon them in Exodus 32 and frees them to return to the nuptial canopy of the Mountain – where the Book of the Covenant is given. It was the fallen nature of Israel that quickly changed things at Exodus 32; which went beyond what was agreed to at Exodus 24. Juxtaposing the law that was ‘agreed to’ and the law that was ‘imposed upon’ is the polemic of Galatians. We need to realize how certain passages have been orientated by theologians and have been perceived as anti-law, when in reality the major theme in Shaul’s letter is a warning about some kind of perversion of ‘the good news’. It’s our aim to unearth what the perversion is, expose it, learn from it and grasp hold of the message of redemption that this amazing book contains. Those from Jerusalem were trying to define what the rules for corporate inclusion were. Shaul/Paul called their definition ‘another gospel’. 10 authenticating proofs of the gospel – the true Melchizedek Covenant gospel: The BoC and the BoL are not Synonymous – Deuteronomy 31:26 There has been a change of law Torah – Hebrews 7:12, 7:18, Genesis 49:10 The rightly dividing point of that law is Exodus 24:11 – We keep the Covenant Torah from Genesis 1:1 – Exodus 24:11 NOT the maintenancing, added, imposed, BoL of carnal commandments that is against us. I’m not saying you abrogate Torah, let it never be! – we must rightly divide it – dovetailing into the rest of the Word which is, “Yah breathed for teaching, reproof, correcting and training in the MalkiTzedik”. 2 Timothy 3:16. It was the BoL that was added after the Golden Calf breach. A false gospel propagates that only the Levitical