Episode 25: Christine Margiotta, SVP Los Angeles, “Shifting from Charity to Justice.” 

Unleashing Social Change - Un pódcast de Becky Margiotta

In this episode, Becky interviews her favorite person, her amazing wife Christine! They’ll discuss everything from how they met 10 years ago (working on homelessness) to learning more about Christine’s current work funding grassroots social justice efforts in Los Angeles. You’ll hear how Christine’s journey has led her to serve as the Executive Director of Social Venture Partners Los Angeles, where she is working on shifting philanthropy from a charity mindset to one deeply rooted in justice. 

Over the years, Christine has been working deep on systems change while Becky has been working broad on spread and scale. This combination makes for an interesting conversation to eavesdrop! Listen to them discuss some of the key moments that have shaped Christine into the leader she is today and how she envisions all of us creating a more just and loving world. 

Show Highlights:

  • How Christine and Becky met working on homelessness
  • Collective impact and how to bring philanthropy, business, non-profits, government and voters to tackle big problems together
  • The importance of doing iterative and deep root cause analysis 
  • How to create a liberatory non-profit culture with your employees
  • The moral dilemma of accepting funding from companies that are perpetuating harm
  • How SVP Los Angeles is working to disrupt the field of philanthropy


Links: svpla.org

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