BONUS EPISODE – Tony Robbins & Tom Zgainer of America's Best 401(k)

Unshakeable by Tony Robbins


Tony Robbins pulls back the curtain on the 401(k). In this bonus episode, Tony discusses with Tom Zgainer the real problem with 401(k) companies and the source of the confusion surrounding it all. As Tom told Tony in Unshakeable, the 401(k) business is “the largest dark pool of assets where nobody really knows how or whose hands are getting greased.” As we know it, the 401(k) should be – and can be – a powerful tool for building wealth, if it’s used correctly. Unfortunately, this process has not been made easy.

Hidden fees and deductions on top of what seems to be a good investment are some of the sources of confusion in 401(k) investments. We are an impatient society, and reading through pages and pages of financial disclosure agreements is not in our daily plans. This can be a daunting realization when we consider your 401(k) is what will fund your retirement and future family life. It is hard to find a good investment that eliminates brokers, commissions and high-paid middlemen. Tom goes into detail on why this is, how to avoid these situations, and how his business ABk is working to better your experience with 401(k) plans.