07 - What do you mean by 'consciousness'?
Walden Pod - Un pódcast de Emerson Green
In the second episode in our series on panpsychism, we establish a definition of consciousness. The Mystery of Consciousness - Sam Harris (https://samharris.org/the-mystery-of-consciousness/) [Blog] Galen Strawson - Things That Bother Me (contains The Silliest Claim and Real Naturalism) (https://www.amazon.com/Things-That-Bother-Me-Freedom/dp/1681372207/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=things+that+bother+me&qid=1567286902&s=books&sr=1-1) [Amazon] Moral Questions - Thomas Nagel (contains ‘What is it like to be a bat?’ and other essays) (https://www.amazon.com/Mortal-Questions-Canto-Thomas-Nagel/dp/0521406765) [Amazon]