The Uni Hell House: breakups, make-ups and one hell of a confession
What Would You Do - Un pódcast de Global

This episode is not suitable for listeners under the age of 18. On this episode of What Would You Do? with Adam Rowe, Adam is joined by the VERY bad Eshaan Akbar and the mostly good (if you believe her) Donna Preston. Together, they hear a tale of woe straight from a very messy Uni house. They learn to never *ahem* shit where you eat, to always judge a book by a cover... and that if you're dating Eshaan, you're probably not... If YOU have a story you want Adam to hear, email us at [email protected]! All names, occupations and locations will be changed to protect the innocent and the guilty*. And don't forget, you can get the next episode a DAY EARLIER than everyone else on the Global Player. Download it from the app store or go to *Stories for this show are sourced from team members, friends of friends and internet forums. Names, locations, and occupations have been changed. These changes are made to preserve anonymity and should not be taken as factual representations. Stories shared on this show are meant for entertainment purposes only, may have been altered for clarity and storytelling purposes and should not be assumed as real-life accounts.