AITApod (Am I The A**hole Podcast)
Un pódcast de Danny Vega - Lunes
421 Episodo
247 xt: AITA for being Seth Simons (ft. Chandler Dean)
Publicado: 15/10/2021 -
245 AITA refusing to do what my gf wanted during my two weeks off? (Ft. Brian)
Publicado: 11/10/2021 -
243 AITA for being a bad art friend?
Publicado: 8/10/2021 -
244 AITA for telling my daughter she can't live with us after college?
Publicado: 7/10/2021 -
242 TW (Call-in Show): AITA for wanting mom to apologize after she blew up at my gf for being racist?
Publicado: 4/10/2021 -
240 TW: AITA telling coworkers bluntly why I'm not in the office weight loss bet?
Publicado: 27/9/2021 -
238 TW: WIBTA if I don't go to my lesbian daughter's wedding?
Publicado: 20/9/2021 -
236 AITA for getting mad at my friend for talking about her body weight?
Publicado: 13/9/2021 -
234 AITA for sending my ex a text that my husband ended up finding?
Publicado: 6/9/2021 -
232 AITA for moving an obnoxious stranger's crate on the bus line?
Publicado: 30/8/2021 -
229 xt: AITA for rejecting a bully from 10 years ago apology? (ft. Fish Stark)
Publicado: 23/8/2021 -
228 AITA getting mad when my friend banned my mom from her house?
Publicado: 16/8/2021 -
226 xt: AITA for defending myself about my psychological disorder? (ft. Nicci)
Publicado: 9/8/2021 -
224 AITA for bringing fast food to my friend’s wedding?
Publicado: 2/8/2021 -
223 xt: AITA for being a therapist? (Ft. Lindsey, a real therapist)
Publicado: 29/7/2021 -
221 AITA for buying my kids pets without the approval of my ex?
Publicado: 26/7/2021 -
219 AITA for telling my girlfriend to use her brain? (ft. Brooke Knisley)
Publicado: 19/7/2021 -
217 AITA for telling the truth in the wedding toast?
Publicado: 12/7/2021 -
215 xt: (TW) AITA wanting my daughter’s fiance to know her dark secret before marriage? (ft. Dr. Vega)
Publicado: 5/7/2021 -
213 AITA for being hot? (ft. Indigo Ross)
Publicado: 30/6/2021
Danny Vega and friends read listener submissions, & pilfers from the AITA subreddit to discuss modern questions of morality, relationships, and juice (gossip). Why? To answer one simple question: am I the a**hole? Submit at, [email protected], or 307-212-8818 (voice accepted).