GitHub Daily Trend

Un p贸dcast de VoiceFeed - Domingos


1663 Episodo

  1. GitHub - samber/lo: 馃挜 A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contai...

    Publicado: 20/7/2024
  2. GitHub - NVIDIA/TensorRT-LLM: TensorRT-LLM provides users with an easy-to-use Python API to defin...

    Publicado: 20/7/2024
  3. GitHub - supabase/supabase: The open source Firebase alternative. Supabase gives you a dedicated ...

    Publicado: 20/7/2024
  4. GitHub - KomputeProject/kompute: General purpose GPU compute framework built on Vulkan to support...

    Publicado: 19/7/2024
  5. GitHub - chapmanjacobd/library: 80+ CLI tools to build, browse, and blend your media library: an ...

    Publicado: 19/7/2024
  6. GitHub - klad-design/linuxmint-brand: Brand redesign concept for Linux Mint, offering a cohesive ...

    Publicado: 19/7/2024
  7. GitHub - EliseiNicolae/chatgpt-always-temporary-chat-on: ChatGPT Chrome Extension to keep enabled...

    Publicado: 19/7/2024
  8. GitHub - thegoodduck/NetSour

    Publicado: 19/7/2024
  9. GitHub - abseil/abseil-cpp: Abseil Common Libraries (C++)

    Publicado: 19/7/2024
  10. GitHub - prowler-cloud/prowler: Prowler is an Open Source Security tool for AWS, Azure, GCP and K...

    Publicado: 19/7/2024
  11. GitHub - hashicorp/vault: A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged ...

    Publicado: 19/7/2024
  12. GitHub - mermaid-js/mermaid: Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from tex...

    Publicado: 19/7/2024
  13. brisk-extension/ at main 路 brisktest/brisk-extension

    Publicado: 19/7/2024
  14. Create new page 路 ziglang/zig Wiki

    Publicado: 18/7/2024
  15. GitHub - quackduck/devzat: The devs are over here at devzat, chat over SSH!

    Publicado: 18/7/2024
  16. GitHub - soupslurpr/Transcribro: Private and on-device speech recognition keyboard and service fo...

    Publicado: 18/7/2024
  17. GitHub - actions/runner-images: GitHub Actions runner images

    Publicado: 18/7/2024
  18. GitHub - oceanbase/oceanbase: OceanBase is an enterprise distributed relational database with hig...

    Publicado: 18/7/2024
  19. GitHub - mem0ai/mem0: The memory layer for Personalized AI

    Publicado: 18/7/2024
  20. GitHub - git-ecosystem/git-credential-manager: Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage with...

    Publicado: 18/7/2024

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GitHub trends to you daily. This podcast features popular GitHub repositories in an audio format, presented in a radio style. Stay updated on the latest trending technologies with ease. This is an unofficial channel, and we are not affiliated with the original media sources. The content is curated and produced independently by a Japanese software engineer. Powered by VoiceFeed.

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