JavaScript Air

Un pódcast de Kent C. Dodds


49 Episodo

  1. 028 jsAir - On site at KCDC

    Publicado: 24/6/2016
  2. 027 jsAir - For the Beginners with Aimee Knight, Tim Dorr, and Max Stoiber

    Publicado: 15/6/2016
  3. 026 jsAir - webpack: JavaScript bundler with Juho Vepsäläinen, Johannes Ewald, Sean T. Larkin, and Tobias Koppers

    Publicado: 8/6/2016
  4. 025 jsAir - (Rerun) Functional and Immutable Design Patterns in JavaScript with Dan Abramov and Brian Lonsdorf

    Publicado: 31/5/2016
  5. 024 jsAir - Progressive Web Apps with Henrik Joreteg, Ada Rose Edwards, Nolan Lawson, and Ben Kelly

    Publicado: 25/5/2016
  6. 023 jsAir - Transitioning from REST to GraphQL with Lee Byron and Steven Luscher

    Publicado: 18/5/2016
  7. 022 jsAir - The Science of People in Tech with Kate Edwards, Omoju Miller, and Steve Andrews

    Publicado: 12/5/2016
  8. 021 jsAir - On site at ng-conf

    Publicado: 6/5/2016
  9. 020 jsAir - JavaScript Frameworks: Ember with Gavin Joyce, Matthew Beale, and Robert Jackson

    Publicado: 27/4/2016
  10. 019 jsAir - Internet of Things with JavaScript with Kristina Durivage, Kassandra Perch, and Andy Carle

    Publicado: 21/4/2016
  11. 018 jsAir - Reactive Programming in JavaScript with André Staltz, Ben Lesh, and Matthew Podwysocki

    Publicado: 13/4/2016
  12. 017 jsAir - JavaScript Frameworks: Angular with Brad Green, Igor Minar, and Miško Hevery

    Publicado: 6/4/2016
  13. 016 jsAir - JavaScript Frameworks: Vue.js with Taylor Otwell and Evan You

    Publicado: 30/3/2016
  14. 015 jsAir - AVA: Futuristic test runner 🚀 with James Talmage, Mark Wubben, and Vadim Demedes

    Publicado: 24/3/2016
  15. 014 jsAir - End to End Testing with Julie Ralph

    Publicado: 16/3/2016
  16. 013 jsAir - Live at Fluent Conf

    Publicado: 9/3/2016
  17. 012 jsAir - Lodash & Open Source with John-David Dalton

    Publicado: 2/3/2016
  18. 011 jsAir - Live at React Conf

    Publicado: 24/2/2016
  19. 010 jsAir - ESLint with Feross Aboukhadijeh, Gyandeep Singh, Ilya Volodin, and Jamund Ferguson

    Publicado: 18/2/2016
  20. 009 jsAir - JavaScript Forward: ES6 and ES7 with Allen Wirfs-Brock and Kassandra Perch

    Publicado: 14/2/2016

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JavaScript Air is a live video broadcast podcast all about JavaScript. After the show, it is made available on YouTube and the audio is available on iTunes and as part of an RSS feed.

Visit the podcast's native language site