Think Act Be Podcast

Un pódcast de Seth J. Gillihan


242 Episodo

  1. Ep. 160: Dr. Stephen Schueller — How to Choose the Best Mental Health App

    Publicado: 5/1/2022
  2. Ep. 159: Signe Myers Hovem — What Does It Mean to Be a True Empath?

    Publicado: 22/12/2021
  3. Ep. 158: Gary Pilarchik — Growing Your Physical and Mental Health in Your Modern Homestead Garden

    Publicado: 15/12/2021
  4. Ep. 157: Dr. Ilia Delio — Discover the Fire of Divine Love in Everything You Know

    Publicado: 8/12/2021
  5. Ep. 156: Dr. Alice Boyes — How to Make Your Self-Care Practices More Effective

    Publicado: 1/12/2021
  6. Ep. 155: Jennifer Shannon — How to Let Go of Your Impossibly High Standards of Perfectionism

    Publicado: 17/11/2021
  7. Ep. 154: Pamela Seelig — How to Bathe Your Mind and Body in the Chemistry of Relaxation

    Publicado: 3/11/2021
  8. Ep. 153: Shelly Tygielski — How to Make the Powerful Shift from"What If?" to "Why Not?"

    Publicado: 27/10/2021
  9. Ep. 152: Dr. Kristin Kobes Du Mez — God, the Flag, and Sex Manuals in White Evangelical Christianity

    Publicado: 13/10/2021
  10. Ep. 151: Amanda Gilbert — How to Find Deep Peace and Contentment Here and Now

    Publicado: 6/10/2021
  11. Ep. 150: Kristen Manieri — Trading Safety and Comfort for Being Fully Alive

    Publicado: 29/9/2021
  12. Ep. 149: Dr. Ilyse Dobrow DiMarco — How to Deal with Mom Brain and the Overwhelming Emotions of Motherhood

    Publicado: 22/9/2021
  13. Ep. 148: Dr. Karen Saporito — How to Find Help for ADHD That Doesn't Fit the Stereotypes

    Publicado: 15/9/2021
  14. Ep. 147: Dr. Carmen McLean — How Does Effective Trauma Treatment Heal the Body and Brain?

    Publicado: 8/9/2021
  15. Ep. 146: Dr. Kathryn Gordon — How to Save a Life by Meeting Despair with Love and Connection

    Publicado: 1/9/2021
  16. Ep. 145: Regina Louise — Finding the Strength and the Will to Live Life on Your Own Terms

    Publicado: 25/8/2021
  17. Ep. 144: Dr. Regine Galanti — Empowering Kids to Overcome Anxiety Through the Skills of CBT

    Publicado: 11/8/2021
  18. Ep. 143: Dr. Judith Ruskay Rabinor — How to Make Peace with Our Mothers

    Publicado: 28/7/2021
  19. Ep. 142: Dr. Jessica Bodie — Finding Hope and Healing as an Adult Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse

    Publicado: 21/7/2021
  20. Ep. 141: Dr. Katherine Dahlsgaard — How to Help Kids Overcome Extremely Picky Eating

    Publicado: 7/7/2021

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The Think Act Be podcast features conversations about finding happiness, peace, and connection. Each week your host, psychologist Seth Gillihan, talks with his guests about effective ways to face life’s challenges: What thoughts serve us well? What actions promote well-being? How can we practice mindful presence? Guests from a wide range of backgrounds share their expertise on ways to nourish our minds, bodies, and spirits.

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